i know i'm 3 months behind to mention this calendar but oh well... Here's a simple black&white Gregorian (Masihi) + Hijri (Hijrah) calendar free for distribution/download/print/etc.
This calendar has been updated:
- Each day is marked individually with the Hijri date. Previously, the Hijri date wasn't marked for each individual day.
- The name of the months has been swapped to match the position of the date of the month. Previously, the Gregorian month was on the right-hand side while the date on the left-hand side.
- The boxes have been enlarged by reducing the border width all around.
Other things that you might want to know about this calendar:
- The name of the days are written in Bahasa Melayu (Malay) using the Roman script (Rumi). i'm thinking of using Jawi script but don't know how to spell correctly :p *i'm sticking to the term Bahasa Melayu because since primary school; this year they'd use the term Bahasa Melayu, then next year Bahasa Malaysia, then back to Bahasa Melayu again the next year... Switching whenever they want to*
- If the Hijri date of this calender is off from your local Hijri date, it's probably because this calendar is subjected to follow the date in Malaysia.
Kalendar 2011 (Masihi dan Hijrah)
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