Jumaat, 17 April 2009

Kompleks Kolam Renang Awam, Pusat Sukan Air Presint 6, Putrajaya

Updated: 5th March 2010. Sorry the map came very late.

21 Rabiul Akhir 1430H

Swimming! The latest activity to fill-up my 'other than office hours' time. If sinking like a rock, only more graceful *ehem*, is considered swimming -- then, i am one graceful sinker :p.

The swimming pools at Kompleks Kolam Renang Awam, Pusat Sukan Air Presint 6, Putrajaya are opened to the public. Google map 1 shows the geographic location of the pool. Pic 1 and Pic 2 shows the complex from outside.

View Kompleks Kolam Renang Awam, Pusat Sukan Air Presint 6, Putrajaya in a larger map
Google map 1 - Showing the swimming pool and Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside Hotel.

Pic 1 - The swimming pool complex is shown in the lower background.

Pic 2 - The swimming pool complex, outside close-up.

The pools referred here, are as in:
1 pool for adults (partly shown in Pic 3), and
1 pool for children.

Both pools are open-aired.

Pic 3 - Partial view of the adult pool. Pool depth ranges from 1.0m to 2.0m.

Pic 4 shows the swimming sessions as well as ticket rates. Ladies' session are at 5pm-7pm on Tuesday and Thursday, shown in Pic 4 and Pic 5. Other than the ladies' session, the pool is opened to mixed sessions. However, note that the pools are closed on Monday, as shown in small-sized texts at the bottom of Pic 4, and in Pic 5.

Pic 4 - Tables of swimming sessions and ticket rates.

Pic 5 - Ladies' session, and Monday as off-day.

To get to the aforementioned complex, just follow the signboard heading to PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Center). Then, follow the signboard pointing to Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside Hotel. The water pool is behind (if not beside) the hotel, a stone's throw away outside the hotel's compound.

Hearteous thanxs to Abang for the swimming lessons :D.

Jumaat, 3 April 2009

PTPTN: Payment 17 [Finale]

8 Rabiul Akhir 1430H

Pic 1 -

Alhamdulillah :). Finally, my study debt is over! Now to focus the money somewhere else ;D.

What should i do next? Contact PTPTN about the settled debt to get a B&W conformation?